

How One Decision Can Fix Your Diet

The Weekend Warrior My client Jack had been around the block before. Atkins diet? Still constipated from it. Weight watchers? Still watching his weight go up. Slimming world? He’s the only one in the world not slimming down. Jack knew the issue. After a long week the weekend turned into a free for all. Alcohol, Takeaways, the weekend fry. He…

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One habit successful weight loss stories share

Stop the Constant Stop Start Here’s a good one. My client Daniel worked from home. He could work in the comfort of his own boxers. As long as those conference calls were waist up then he was fine. He could train at different times throughout the day. In theory this was great. Daniel supposedly had control of his schedule to…

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The Quickest Way to Improve Discipline

Commitments We are social animals. The importance of this cannot be stated enough. It might literally be healthier to be an alcoholic with lots of friends than lonely. When it comes to exercise and sticking with any goal. It is easy to let ourselves down. We don’t see the consequences straight away, so we eat those bars of chocolate every…

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