Four Ways to Improve Your Discipline
It can happen.
After the amazing start in January.
Cutting out the booze, exercising. Planning your meals.
That discipline can fade
Thoughts of your holidays, holding out for the weekend can take your focus.
While things slip with your plans. Eating those brownies in the work office.
Missing workouts.
The STAY method.
If you find yourself struggling to stay the course on your weightloss journey, try the STAY method.
S-tructure and Clarity
T-ry Enjoy the Process
Y-our Why
The STAY method keeps discipline even when you feel like quitting.
Structure and Clarity.
“We do not rise to the occasion but instead fall to our training.”
After the surge of January motivation passes, the temptations to quit can seem too much.
When the times get tough, the excuses mount.
You skip training, order takeaway again, and stop monitoring your food intake.
This is why you need to have structure and clarity with your food.
Having structure for your fitness involves a couple of things.
The first is having clarity on what you are going to eat each day.
The reason meal plans work so well is because they give you structure. You know exact foods to eat.
Without structure you are at the mercy of temptation and impulse.
You don’t have the energy after a long day to pick like Jamie Oliver.
You end up going for the convenient option whether healthy or not.
Structure involves having a meal plan.
You should aim to have 2-4 options for each meal, breakfast dinner and lunch, at the start of the week then just look at your options and choose.
Try Enjoy the Process.
Why do people spend so much time on the most obscure habits?
You see people spending hours playing video games like pacman.
There’s almost no real reward for any of these games.
But people dedicate the hours to these hobbies because they enjoy them.
If you are going to spend a lot of time doing something like exercising, you better enjoy it.
If you hate the gym, join a sports club
Just because you are dieting, doesn’t mean your food needs to be disgusting. Start googling lower calorie foods that are edible.
Go for walks with your spouse. Play with the kids.
When you enjoy a task you are a lot more likely to stick with it.
You are the easiest person to fool.
It’s easy to let yourself down in your diet.
You can tell yourself tomorrow is another day.
But letting other people down. That’s painful.
Improve your accountability by exercising with somebody else, maybe your spouse.
Or join a group that emphasizes turning up.
Or hire a personal trainer.
Your Why.
When you are faced with challenges you need a compelling reason to stay on track.
I have clients who had cancer and staying cancer free is their motivation.
Or being driven to look good for the opposite sex.
Me personally, I find the idea of being more disciplined a motivator.
Your reason to be fit and healthy is your reason. Nobody else can pick it for you.
But you need a strong reason for getting fit.
Losing weight to look better on the beach can be strong, but losing weight because you want to see your kids grow up, that’s powerful!
Stay the course.
Losing weight is a marathon. .
At times you may need to take detours, slow down to a stand still, navigate all the terrain.
But as long as you don’t let go, you won’t fail.
There might be days where you just want to lay down and eat junk food all day,
But if you keep to the STAY method you stand a chance.
Have a structure and clarity so you know what to do.
Try enjoy the process by picking things you don’t hate.
Be Accountable to other people
And Know Your Why.
Give yourself a chance at STAY in there.