
Tag: Lifestyle

Why you never achieve your fitness goals

I want to lose weight I really do. But I Just keep drinking 10 beers every weekend and a Dominos.

I really want to go to bed early but my God, how good was Game of thrones last night. I need to just relax after work anyway instead of killing myself in the gym.

Are we crazy, lazy and worthless ?

Setting a target every 2nd week and failing to reach our goals. Repeating ourselves over and over again

Or is there something else going on?

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How To Actually Achieve Your Fitness Goals Part Three: SMART Goals

Every Sunday, people have great intentions of changing their lives and starting their diet for the 100th time. Unfortunately  Life can interrupt the best of plans. Work can cause stress, kids can get sick and motivation can waver. Learn about how making SMART(Specific Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and TImely) goals can focus the mind on what needs to be done and help us take action. 

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