Diet Blindspots.
Blindspots are the reason your diet is not as good as you think it is.
Food blindspots occur when you treat every time you eat as a separate occasion.
You are out with friends so you had a couple of drinks.
The next day you have meetings with new potential clients so you opt for the glasses of wine.
The weekend arrives and you have a couple of drinks watching the sport.
Your Body Keeps the Score.
It’s so easy to justify this behaviour. Every situation, there is a valid reason to have a drink.
But your body doesn’t really care that these are one offs.
Just because there was a valid reason each time doesn’t change the circumstances.
You are simply drinking too much.
“I don’t eat that much”
Another blindspot is the disconnect between how good you think your diet is and the actual calories that have been consumed.
If you don’t keep an eye on your calories you are guessing.
The body keeps the score no matter how full you feel.
You can have a scone and a coffee and feel as if you skipped breakfast.
Because you “skipped” breakfast you justify having an energy bar in the shop to give you a pick up.
Then you justify having a bigger lunch because you are starving.
Later on that evening you might even have a few snacks after dinner because you “haven’t had much all day”.
Even if you feel you haven’t had much to eat, the calories don’t lie.
A scone with butter – 700 calories
A coffee with regular fat milk – 300 calories
Your energy bar – 300 calories.
That’s 1300 for your skipped breakfast.
The calories don’t lie.
Get Rid of the Blindspots
For a week, get out a pen and paper.
Just for one week right down exactly what goes into your mouth.
How many calories are you eating.
How much water you drink.
How many vegetables are you having.
How processed is your food.
How much sleep do you get.
How much alcohol do you drink.
If you don’t track, you will always be blind..
The Full Picture
It’s not the one glass of wine or the packet of crisps that are making you fat but the fact you ignore them.
The body doesn’t care about how you felt last week.
You need to see how the food you eat fits into your entire picture.
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